You are what you say…

So, we all have heard people say :you are what you eat: I am NOT saying this isn’t true, but I AM saying that I also believe that very importantly YOU ARE WHAT YOU SAY. And when I say “you” know that I am included as well. I had noticed that C ( my 5 year old son) had started to show some signs of limited belief in himself, doubt possibly, discouragement. Not exactly sure what, but I knew that I NEVER wanted him to believe anything less than what I know to be true about him. So I started thinking about what he hears. What he hears myself and his father say to him. What he says to himself. About 2 weeks ago, a video went around Facebook… *and if it’s on Facebook, it’s true*

It was of a father and his young daughter and he was speaking life into her. So, I started doing this with C on the way to school in the morning. He was hesitant some days, and I continued this. I would say things like “You are smart. You are a good friend. You are patient. You are respectful. You are fun. Today will be a great day.”

Then about a week later I thought, kids don’t do what we say (revelation I know…), they do what they see. So, I started my own affirmations. I got real with myself and allowed C to hear that. “I am a good mom. I am patient. I am able. I am motivated. I am a good wife. I am worthy. Today will be a great day.”

What I noticed, is that as I began to speak life over myself: and to do it boldly, he began to become more agreeable to him speaking life to himself.  WE ARE WHAT WE SAY.

My white board beside my bed/on my desk says this right now… “I am worthy. I am able. I am patient. I am a great mom. I am beautiful. I am enough.”

What would your white board say? What does your child hear you speak about yourself?

I am not asking you yet to believe what you are saying, because I know that if I asked that not many would participate. BUT, I am asking you to speak life to you. Be as kind to you as you are to your best friend.

Challenge, List 5 things that you are and speak them out loud over yourself each morning. Own it. Be it.

I am..